Ankush Mishra
I am currently studying Master's in Computer Science at Penn State, University Park, PA, USA. Prior to this I was a software developer at Adobe, where I led various initiatives for realtime interactions, along with automation and increased velocity. I was also involved in the development of various backend API's which were consumed by other internal services.
Before Adobe, I have been involved in Google Summer of Code 2016 during my undergrad where I worked on Apache Openmeetings to integrate external calendar sync based on CalDAV and Google Calendar.
I graduated from PESIT, Bangalore India with a Bachelor's of Technology in Information Science.
Graduate Teaching Assistant
The Pennsylvania State UniversityCourse - CMPSC 465 - Data Structures & Algorithms
Advisor - Dr. Antonio Blanca & David KoslickiHandling recitations, and working through problem sets. Also creating quizzes and grading mid-term and final exams.
Started Masters in Computer Science & Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University -
Left Adobe
Member of Technical Staff 2
Identity and Innovators Award at Adobe
Won the Identity and Innovator Awards, 2019. Highest vertical award presented by CIO, no other employee with only 1 year experience has received this in 5+ years.
Published Study on Amoebiasis dynamics
Developed an epidemiological model CISER, to represent amoebiasis disease spread. We then implemented the disease spread dynamics as a reactive routing protocol and comparisons to SIR and SEIR were made to show lesser overhead, while achieving comparable results for others.
Joined Adobe as a Member of Technical Staff
Bachelor's of Technology at PESIT, Bangalore, India
Published Research on Environment Descriptor for the Blind
Implemented a deep learning module to produce a natural language descriptions from a real-time video input. Used an architecture based on VGGNet, consisting of CNN and RNN to produce a multimodal mapping from images to natural language text.
Published Research on Detection of fighting styles
Created a dataset based on the various fighting styles, and representing the videos as a bag of localized spatio-temporal interest points. Utilized this dataset for classification of videos.
Developer at Google Summer of Code
Apache OpenmeetingsImplemented calendar sync based on CalDAV and Google Calendar to the Apache OpenMeetings Calendar.